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Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane

ONE Esports LogoONE Esports1y ago

Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports

Story Highlights:

"A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view".

Another wintery reference was made in the same act in Episode 5: “Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy” when Mel spoke to Jayce about his new position as councilman in the opera house.

Official concept art for The Freljord region by Riot Games reflect these pointed roof wooden houses, which are constructed this way so that the snow doesn’t accumulate and break them.

More Pictures

Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 1)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 2)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 3)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 4)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 5)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 6)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 7)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 8)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 9)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 10)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 11)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 12)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 13)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 14)Every League of Legends Runeterra region referenced in Arcane - ONE Esports (Picture 15)

News Information

Written By:


Games Mentioned:


Date Published: 30 Mar, 2023 (1 years ago)

Publish Time: 8:00 PM (GMT +8:00)

Language: English

Story Length: 1114 words

Reading Time: 7 minutes read

Readers: 61 people read this story

Attachments: 16 Pictures

Story Rating: Rated #48 (out of 138 stories this day)

Estimated Value: $0.00

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Copyright: © ONE Esports

Story ID: #539454

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